The archived news from previous years posted here. Information that is still an interesting read.
Whose Who? With the lost art of horn branding, there's no need to ask whose who. It's a wonderful tool for identifying the cattle with their tattoo number on the left horn and their sire's number on the right. No lost tags here!
Comanche County Fair Champions We were pleased to hear that both the Grand and Reserve Champion Steers at this year's Comanche County Fair were sired by Deewall bulls. Congratulations to David and Derek Hubbard of Oller Farms.
GOP - National Hereford Feed Out We have participated since 2004 in the feed out placing first in 2004 for the best yield grades and largest rib eye. In 2005, we placed second.
2006 Spring National Hereford Feedout Results Deewall Steers - Carcass Wt. 807 Ribeye Area 14.3 Ribeye/cwt Live 1.13 USDA PAR Carcass Wt. 807 Ribeye Area 13.5 Ribeye/cwt Live 1.07 2006 Test Average Carcass Wt. 903 Ribeye Area 13.2 Ribeye/cwt Live .92 That's 23% above the test average for ribeye area per cwt live!
93% Graded Choice!! One of our customers purchased a set of five bulls to use on their premium Angus cows. They called to tell us they completed their feedlot program with 93% grading choice.
Hereford America visit Deewall Herefords - In September, Marc Hotchkiss, editor of the Hereford America newspaper, stopped by for a visit. Mark snapped these photos of our senior herd bull Adv Red 11 and his son Golden Advance 550. The bulls had been pulled, from a summer out with the cows, about three weeks before this photo was taken. SEMEN IS NOW AVAILABLE ON BOTH OF THESE OUTSTANDING BULLS Adv Red 11 Reg # 42196479 and his son, D Golden Advance Reg # 42602440 Birth date: 4/09/05
93% Graded Choice!! One of our customers purchased a set of five bulls to use on their premium Angus cows. They called to tell us they completed their feedlot program with 93% grading choice.
International Visitors to Deewall Herefords - A Russian delegation, who are importing cattle from the U.S., came by to visit our Hereford herd. They were in the states to view a shipment of cattle being held in a Western Kansas feedlot. Wanting to visit a Hereford herd that had been line bred for many years, they visited us. We had a good time trying to answer their questions and showing them all the cattle.
D Advance 304 ( Doc)
Nash/Deewall Herefords - Mike and Jane were honored for 100 Years in the American Hereford Association Registered Business on October 31, 2014
Just a look at the cows in 2014 coming to meet us for feed. Line bred for over a 120 Years. See more at the Cow Herd page.
Below Deewall heifer shown - Thank you Katherine Krauss.
The young bulls are developing well on grass this year. Our bulls have to walk to water and forage for grass.
Shot of the day March 2016. We're up to 10 babies. Our start date was Sunday. The pasture is a great one for calving, as it has a lot places to calve with good protection.
It's always great to find a new white face in the herd.
Award we picked up at the Kansas Hereford Association annual meeting and banquet. Thank You!
We sold some good coming two year old bulls this year to new and repeat customers. Thank you for your business.
October 2016 - This group of sale bulls getting ready to go to the Flint Hills of Kansas to be used on fall calving black cows. Thank you buyers.
Deewall Family Herefords - Mike and Jane Deewall
1074 Kansas Highway 1, Coldwater, Kansas 67029, US
Copyright © 2012 - 2025 All Rights Reserved. Deewall Herefords Coldwater, Kansas.
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Thank you to our repeat and new customers in the past year we look forward to another year of offering Hereford Cattle like we would like to buy ourselves. Check out our News for 2025.