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“Dad often said that he regretted not being the first in his county to enlist the day that Pearl Harbor was bombed,” said Julie Nash. “He felt there would be no more ranching, no more Herefords and no more America if those offered agricultural deferments took them.”
When we asked my Dad how we would know if or when we would need an out cross. He just said" you will know". We decided that we are about to need an out cross to compliment our linebreeding program. The hardest part for us was where to look for a straight Hereford. We settled on importing semen on an HOP Hereford bull from England. He is Marguerita Sebastian. Last year we bred 7 of our best cows and ended up with 7 Marguerita Sebastian calves that were born this spring.
Our trade show booth at the Barber County Cattlemen's annual meeting and trade show.
Today, we were privileged to have Chris Spence and his livestock judging team from Clark County 4-H, come practice on a couple classes of Herefords. If these members keep with their livestock judging, they will be able to write their ticket to college.
We have waited a whole year and two months! Thanks to Danny Bruckner and You Stick It Signs for making the image. It is printed on metal. A huge thank you to Matt Friend for coming in and saving our bacon. He and his super talent made the frame, which fit like a glove. He and Bruce put the base frame up and Matt helped with the hanging and putting it in the frame. Thank you to both for such a flawless job!!
Photo by Mary Stover Deewall, our beautiful daughter-in-law.
Kansas Hereford Association tour stop on Saturday, August 27th Starts at 8:30 at the ranch. All are Welcome!
Thank you to all that made a trip to visit us at the Kansas Hereford Tour.
We sure enjoyed the company.
Congratulations Austin Hooten on receiving the Franklin & Louise Nash Endowed Scholarship tonight at the OSU Animal and Food Science Banquet.
Great night to fellowship, support, and recognize OSU’s amazing Administration, faculty, sponsors, and students! Congratulations to everyone. “Go Pokes!”
Deewall Family Herefords - Mike and Jane Deewall
1074 Kansas Highway 1, Coldwater, Kansas 67029, US
Copyright © 2012 - 2025 All Rights Reserved. Deewall Herefords Coldwater, Kansas.
Designs for cattle people by cattle people TLC Website Designs.
Thank you to our repeat and new customers in the past year we look forward to another year of offering Hereford Cattle like we would like to buy ourselves. Check out our News for 2025.