Founded in 1914, Deewall Family Herefords is a family-owned and operated ranching business located in southern Kansas. We are dedicated to providing high-quality Hereford Cattle while being stewards of the land. We would love to show you our Hereford Cattle.
D ADVANCE 302D Reg # 44460471
Margarita Sebastian son, an HOP bull from England. The HOP group are the purest Herefords in the world and is the group that all Herefords are compared to for their purity testing. We are getting a few calves this spring by 302.
ABRI link to performance recording
From UK Sire Services (+£25 at registration)
S. Free Town Grandee BJ/G28/103
Sire – Free Town Kendal [*] {HYF} BJ/K11/106
D. Free Town Parasol BJ/S26/95
S. Albany Ontario [*] UK220209 500150
Dam – Baytal Emily Amethyst [*] {DLF IEF HYF} UK171718 700022
D. Dornley Amethyst 1st [*] UK160152 600073
Margarita Sebastian son, D Advance 306D. Reg # 44470474 We imported semen on Marguerita Sebastian, an HOP bull from England. The HOP group are the purest Herefords in the world and is the group that all Herefords are compared to for their purity testing. We are getting a few calves this spring by 306.
The majority of our Line Bred Hereford bulls are purchased by repeat customers and Angus Breeders. They are liking what they get when they use our bulls. Thank you for your business we appreciate good people and good breeders that use our genetics. "It's all about "producing good cattle that work in the industry today."
The first cross half blood Angus x Hereford female is a very sought after cow in the beef industry today! Very few first cross are available to fill the need in todays market of replacement females!
Deewall Family Herefords - Mike and Jane Deewall
1074 Kansas Highway 1, Coldwater, Kansas 67029, US
Copyright © 2012 - 2025 All Rights Reserved. Deewall Herefords Coldwater, Kansas.
Designs for cattle people by cattle people TLC Website Designs.
Thank you to our repeat and new customers in the past year we look forward to another year of offering Hereford Cattle like we would like to buy ourselves. Check out our News for 2025.